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Life-threatening restrictive TBC-Pericarditis affecting a Crohn’s patient while on treatment with an anti-TNF
Source: Presentation - ECCO'12 Barcelona Congress
Authors: Xavier Aldeguer
LIFT for Crohn’s fistula
Source: Presentation - ECCO 2016 Amsterdam Congress - 5th S-ECCO IBD Masterclass: Session 1: Perianal disease (Keywords: fistula, lift, surgery, treatment)
Authors: Eloy Espín Basany
LIRIC (Ileocolic resection vs. anti-TNF)
Source: Presentation - ECCO 2015 Barcelona Congress - 4th S-ECCO IBD Masterclass Session 2: “The technique” (Keywords: anti-TNF, CD, ileocecal resection)
Authors: Joline de Groof
Literature reviews - 3g mesalazine granules are superior to 9mg budesonide for achieving remission in active ulcerative colitis: A double-blind, double-dummy, randomized trial. / Risk of colorectal cancer and small bowel adenocarcinoma in Crohn’s disease: A population-based study from western Hungary 1977–2008. / IL-22+ CD4+ T cells are associated with therapeutic Trichuris trichiura infection in an ulcerative colitis patient.
Source: ECCO News Literature reviews
Authors: Anja Schirbel, Catherine Reenaers, Christine Breynaert
Literature Reviews - A population-based study of fatigue and sleep difficulties in inflammatory bowel disease / Infliximab and complications after colectomy in patients with ulcerative colitis / Interleukin-35 mediates mucosal immune responses that protect against T-cell-dependent colitis / Maintenance of remission among patients with Crohn’s disease on antimetabolite therapy after infliximab therapy is stopped / Early mucosal healing with infliximab is associated with improved long-term clinical outcomes in ulcerative colitis
Source: ECCO News Literature reviews
Authors: Antonina Mikocka-Walus, Gianluca Pellino, Colin de Haar, Monica Cesarini, Johanne Brooks
Literature reviews - Cyclosporine or infl iximab as rescue therapy in severe refractory ulcerative colitis: Early and long-term data from a retrospective observational study / Mesenteric fat as a source of C reactive protein and as a target for bacterial translocation in Crohn’s disease / Local barrier dysfunction identifi ed by confocal laser endomicroscopy predicts relapse in infl ammatory bowel disease / Flt3 ligand expands CD103+ dendritic cells and FoxP3+ T regulatory cells, and attenuates Crohn’s-like murine ileitis
Source: ECCO News 2012 literature reviews
Authors: Dirk P. van Asseldonk, Peter Bossuyt, Pascal Juillerat, Sander van der Marel
Literature reviews - Induction of Colonic Regulatory T Cells by Indigenous Clostridium Species / Induction and rescue of Nod2-dependent Th1-driven granulomatous inflammation of the ileum
Source: ECCO News
Authors: James Lee, Jan Wehkamp,
Literature reviews - Influence of ileal pouch anal anastomosis on bone loss in ulcerative colitis patients / Alterations in mucin glycosylation are associated with spontaneous colitis
Source: ECCO News Literature reviews
Authors: Alexander Eser, Sebastian Zeissig
Literature reviews - “Risk of cancer in patients with infl ammatory bowel disease and venous thromboembolism: nationwide cohort study” / Recombinant human erythropoietin in patients with infl ammatory bowel disease and refractory anemia: A 15-year single-center experience / Risk for colorectal neoplasia in patients with colonic Crohn’s disease and concomitant primary sclerosing cholangitis / The diagnostic accuracy of fecal calprotectin during the investigation of suspected pediatric infl ammatory bowel disease / Validation of the Capsule Endoscopy Crohn’s Disease Activity Index (CECDAI or Niv score): a multicenter prospective study
Source: ECCO News 2012 Literature reviews
Authors: Reingard Platzer, Johan Burisch, Raja Aff endi Raja Ali, Els Van de Vijver, Bruno Rosa
Liver disease in IBD – Update on diagnosis, therapies and follow-up
Source: Presentation - ECCO 2014 Copenhagen Congress - PSC Update Forum: Primary Sclerosing Cholangitis (PSC) Update Forum: Liver disease in IBD – Update on diagnosis, therapies and follow-up (Keywords: disease outcome, IBD, CD, UC, liver, PSC)
Authors: Gideon Hirschfield
Long-term outcomes
Source: Presentation - ECCO 2013 Vienna Congress – Scientific session 4: Clinical trials in Ulcerative Colitis
Authors: Sandro Ardizzone
Long-term outcomes of pouch surgery
Source: Presentation - ECCO 2013 Vienna Congress - 2nd S-ECCO IBD Masterclass - Session 4: Pouch problems
Authors: Tonia M. Young-Fadok
Lymphatic endothelial cells as mediators and targets
Source: Presentation - ECCO 2014 Copenhagen Congress - Scientific session 1: Neglected cells as potential targets: Lymphatic endothelial cells as mediators and targets
Authors: Silvio Danese,
Maintaining quality when choice is limited
Source: Presentation - ECCO 2014 Copenhagen Congress - Scientific session 2: Optimisation of therapy: Maintaining quality when choice is limited (Keywords: 5-aminosalicylate, 6-mercaptopurine, anit-TNF, AZA, biologic treatment, calprotectin, capsule endoscopy, CMV, colorectal cancer surveillance, disease activity, disease outcome, enterocaultaneous fistula, IBD, CD, UC, immunosuppressive agents, infliximab, TPMT)
Authors: Vineet Ahuja
Malignancy in IBD
Source: Presentation - ECCO'12 Barcelona Congress
Authors: Silvio Danese
Management of IBD in adolescence
Source: Presentation - ECCO'11 Dublin Congress
Authors: Robert Heuschkel
Management of Pediatric Ulcerative Colitis: Joint ECCO and ESPGHAN Evidence-based Consensus Guidelines
Source: Guidelines
Authors: Dan Turner, Arie Levine, Johanna C. Escher, Anne M. Griffiths, jjRichard K. Russell, Axel Dignass, Jorge Amil Dias, Jiri Bronsky, Christian P. Braegger, Salvatore Cucchiara, Lissy de Ridder, Ulrika L. Fagerberg, Se´amus Hussey, Jean-Pierre Hugot, Sanja Kolacek, Kaija Leena Kolho, Paolo Lionetti, Anders Pærregaard, Alexander Potapov, Risto Rintala, Daniela E. Serban, Annamaria Staiano, Brian Sweeny, Gigi Veerman, Gabor Veres, David C. Wilson, Frank M. Ruemmele
Management of Pediatric Ulcerative Colitis: Joint ECCO and ESPGHAN Evidence-based Consensus Guidelines
Source: Guidelines
Authors: Dan Turner, Arie Levine, z Johanna C. Escher, Anne M. Griffiths, Richard K. Russell, Axel Dignass, Jorge Amil Dias, Jiri Bronsky, Christian P. Braegger, Salvatore Cucchiara, Lissy de Ridder, Ulrika L. Fagerberg, Se ́ amus Hussey, Jean-Pierre Hugot, Sanja Kolacek, Kaija Leena Kolho, Paolo Lionetti, Anders Pærregaard, Alexander Potapov, Risto Rintala, Daniela E. Serban, Annamaria Staiano, Brian Sweeny, Gigi Veerman, Gabor Veres, David C. Wilson, and Frank M. Ruemmele
Management of Ulcerative Colitis and Crohn’s Disease today
Source: Presentation - ECCO 2013 Vienna Congress - 2nd IBD Refresher Course
Authors: Laurent Peyrin-Biroulet
Managing complications associated with anti-TNF therapy
Source: Presentation - ECCO 2015 Barcelona Congress - 13th IBD Intensive Advanced Course Session 3: Seminar session – Part II: Specialist topic in IBD (IBD, CD, UC)
Authors: Van Assche Gert