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Concentrations of 6-thioguanine nucleotide correlate with both infliximab and adalimumab levels in patients with inflammatory bowel disease on combination therapy


O. Kelly*, A. Trajkovski, A. Weizman, G. Nguyen, A. H. Steinhart, M. Silverberg, K. Croitoru

Mount Sinai Hospital, Centre for Inflammatory Bowel Disease. Suite 437, Toronto, Canada


A multicentre, double-blind, placebo-controlled, parallel group, proof of concept study to evaluate the efficacy, safety and tolerability of the S1P receptor modulator KRP203 in subjects with moderately active refractory ulcerative colitis*


H. H. Radeke*1, 2, J. Stein1, 3, W. Kruis4

1Interdisciplinary Crohn Colitis Centre Rhein-Main, Frankfurt/Main, Germany, 2Pharmazentrum Frankfurt, Hospital of the Goethe University Frankfurt, Frankfurt/Main, Germany, 3DGD Clinics Sachsenhausen, Frankfurt/Main, Germany, 4LKP, Evangelisches Krankenhaus Kalk, Cologne, Germany


Adjunctive hyperbaric oxygen therapy promotes successful healing in patients with refractory Crohn’s disease


M. Ribeiro Feitosa1, R. S. Parra*1, O. Feres Filho2, J. J. Ribeiro da Rocha1, O. Féres1

1University of Sao Paulo, Surgery and Anatomy, Ribeirao Preto SP, Brazil, 2University of Sao Paulo, Department of Surgery and Anatomy, Ribeirao Preto SP, Brazil


Efficacy of a micronised, dispersible ferric pyrophosphate in children with anaemia associated with inflammatory bowel disease.


A. Wegner*1, G. Mierzwa2, S. Wiecek3, A. Korlatowicz- Bilar4, M. Dadalski5, B. Korczowski6, J. Kierkus7

1Public Children’s Clinical Hospital, Warszawa, Poland, 2Nicolaus Copernicus University Collegium Medicum in Bydgoszcz, Chair of Vascular and Internal Diseases,, Bydgoszcz, Poland, 3Medical University of Silesia, Department of Paediatrics,, Katowice, Poland, 4Children’s Hospital, Department of Paediatrics, Gastroenterology and Rheumatology, Szczecin, Poland, 5Children’s Memorial Health Institute, Department of Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Eating Disorders,, Warsaw, Poland, 6University of Rzeszów, Department of Paediatrics and paediatric Gastroenterology State Hospital No 2, Rzeszów, Poland, 7Children’s Memorial Health Institute, Department of Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Eating Disorders, Warsaw, Poland


Long-term outcomes after primary infliximab treatment failure in patients with inflammatory bowel disease


S. Buhl*, C. Steenholdt, M. Borghede, M. Rasmussen, J. Brynskov, O. Ø. Thomsen, M.A. Ainsworth

Copenhagen University Hospital, Herlev, Department of Gastroenterology, Herlev, Denmark


Therapy refractory ulcerative colitis patients may benefit from appendectomy: early result from the PASSION study


S. Sahami*1, C. Buskens1, D. Winter2, S. Martin2, P. Tanis1, G. van den Brink3, M. Löwenberg3, G. Cullen4, H. Mulcahy4, G. Doherty4, C. Ponsioen3, G. D’Haens3, W. Bemelman1

1Academic Medical Centre, Surgery, Amsterdam, Netherlands, 2St. Vincent’s University Hospital, Surgery, Dublin, Ireland, 3Academic Medical Centre, Gastroenterology & Hepatology, Amsterdam, Netherlands, 4St. Vincent’s University Hospital, Gastroenterology & Hepatology, Dublin, Ireland


Serum adalimumab trough levels required for mucosal healing during maintenance therapy in patients with Crohn’s disease


H. Imaeda*, Y. Morita, T. Fujimoto, K. Takahashi, M. Shioya, A. Nishida, O. Inatomi, S. Bamba, M. Sasaki, T. Tsujikawa, M. Sugimoto, A. Andoh

Shiga University of Medical Science, Department of Medicine, Otsu, Japan


The outcomes of a clinical care pathway for inflammatory bowel disease surgery


A. Platt*1, A. Lightner2, R. Jacobs1, D. Sagar1, W. van Deen1, T. Hommes1, S. Reardon3, J. Sack3, D. Hommes1

1UCLA Centre for Inflammatory Bowel Diseases, Department of Digestive Diseases, Los Angeles, California, United States, 2Mayo Clinic College of Medicine, Division of Colon and Rectal Surgery, Rochester, Minnesota, United States, 3UCLA, Department of Colorectal Surgery, Los Angeles, California, United States


Inflammatory bowel disease-induced chronic abdominal pain can be ameliorated by transcranial direct current stimulation


M. S. Prüß*, A. Farmer, B. Siegmund

Charité - University Hospital Berlin, Campus Benjamin Franklin, Department of Gastroenterology, Berlin, Germany


Comparative study of infliximab and adalimumab induction therapy for clinical remission and mucosal healing in paediatric patients with active Crohn’s disease


E. Szymanska*1, M. Dadalski2, S. Szymanska3, W. Grajkowska3, M. Pronicki3, K. Jaroslaw2

1Children’s Memorial Health Institute, Department of Paediatrics, Nutrition and Metabolic Disorders, Warsaw, Poland, 2Children’s Memorial Health Institute, Department of Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Feeding Disorders, Warsaw, Poland, 3Children’s Memorial Heath Institute, Department of Pathology, Warsaw, Poland


An observational study of adverse events of patients with inflammatory bowel disease receiving parenteral iron


A. Wilson*, E. Murray, G. B. Turner

Belfast Trust, Belfast, United Kingdom


Comparison of efficacy and safety of biosimilar infliximab to originator infliximab in children with inflammatory bowel disease


R. Muhammed*, L. Whyte, S. Protheroe, R. Bremner, W. Haller, T. Wong

Birmingham Children’s Hospital, Gastroenterology, Birmingham, United Kingdom


Short- and long-term outcomes of infliximab and calcineurin inhibitor treatment for steroid-refractory ulcerative colitis


S. Motoya*, M. Miyakawa, M. Nasuno, H. Tanaka

Sapporo-Kosei General Hospital, IBD Centre, Sapporo, HOKKAIDO, Japan


The usefulness of salazosulfapyridine for 
patients with ulcerative colitis refractory to mesalazine


T. Yoshino*, S. Yazumi

Kitano Hospital, Division of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Digestive Disease Centre, Osaka, Japan


Predictors of tissue healing in ulcerative colitis patients treated with anti-TNF


N. Viazis*1, M. Giakoumis1, G. Bamias2, D. Goukos2, T. Koukouratos1, J. Anastasiou1, K. Katopodi1, S. Ladas2, D. Karamanolis1

1Evangelismos Hospital, Gastroenterology Department, Athens, Greece, 2Kapodistrian University of Athens, Laikon Hospital, Academic Department of Gastroenterology, Athens, Greece


Anti-TNF alpha as induction and maintenance therapy in ulcerative colitis patients in the BioColitis Registry in Germany


B. Bokemeyer*1, T. Krummenerl2, C. Maaser3, J. Büning4, R. Atreya5, A. Lügering6, U. Helwig7, P. Jessen8, P. Hartmann9, S. Schreiber10

1Gastroenterology Practice Minden, University Hospital Schleswig-Holstein, Department of General Internal Medicine I, Kiel, Germany, Minden, Germany, 2Gastroenterology Practice, Gastroenterology, Münster, Germany, 3University Teaching Hospital Lüneburg, IBD Outpatient Clinic and Department of Geriatric Medicine, Lüneburg, Germany, 4University Hospital Schleswig-Holstein, Campus Lübeck, Medical Department I, Gastroenterology, Lübeck, Germany, 5University of Erlangen-Nuremberg, Department of Medicine 1, Erlangen, Germany, 6Gastroenterology Practice Münster, Münster, Germany, 7Gastroenterology Practice Oldenburg, Oldenburg, Germany, 8Gastroenterology Practice, Gastroenterology, Altenholz, Germany, 9Gastroenterology Practice, Minden, Germany, 10Christian-Albrechts-Universität, University Hospital Schleswig-Holstein, Department of General Internal Medicine I, Kiel, Germany


Does standard therapy in paediatric Crohn’s disease really prevent our patients from the need of early initiation of anti-TNF treatment?


P. Domínguez Sánchez*, G. Pujol Muncunill, S. Pinillos Pison, V. Vila Miravet, J. Martín de Carpi

Unit for the Comprehensive Care of Paediatric Inflammatory Bowel Disease. Department of Paediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition. Hospital Sant Joan de Déu, Barcelona, Spain


Clinical care pathways are needed to decrease variability in the management of the hospitalised ulcerative colitis patient


S. Shah*, S. Naymagon, B. Cohen, B. Sands, M. Dubinsky

Mount Sinai Hospital, Gastroenterology, New York, New York, United States


The value of oxidative stress parameters to predict histological severity in ulcerative colitis


B. Canbakan*1, K. Atay1, E. Koroglu1, M. Tuncer1, H. Senturk2

1Istanbul University Cerrahpasa Medical School, Gastroenterology, Istanbul, Turkey, 2Bezmialem University School of Medicine, Gastroenterology, Istanbul, Turkey


To double dose or not to double dose? That is the question: Single centre experience in the use of infliximab antibodies and levels in a paediatric IBD (pIBD) cohort


B. Huggett*, S. Sider, S. Chadokufa, N. Acton, N. Shah, F. Kiparissi

Great Ormond Street Hospital, London, United Kingdom